Page name: Wolfs United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-06-19 10:32:36
Last author: Cerulean Sins
Owner: Yudan333
# of watchers: 26
D20: 1
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Welcome to Wolfs United!


Here is mostly a place to hang out as a wolf. (naturally) Anyways all are welcome to join, what's more interesting is that I added a twist! ^^ Each wolf has ONE magical power, it is your choice to choose what power but it can only be ONE. And it can be anything! ^^ Except to destroy everything with one blow T_T...

Ok so now that that's covered let's talk a bit about the Wolfs. There are some already made just need you to put your name up for them! ^^ If not you can make your own, try to find a picture that fits you character. We all wanna know what you look like! XD I think that's it If I missed something then I'll get it later! ^^

(These are the links to this one! ^^)

Character Info@Wolfs United
Adoptables@Wolfs United
Banners@Wolfs United
Village@Wolfs United
Training@Wolfs United
Winter Grounds@Wolfs United
Dens@Wolfs United
Pup Den
Hunter Wolfs
Wolf Soldiers
Mating@Wolfs United
Lab@Wolfs United
Crystal Valley@Wolfs United

(This is where you sign up for a position!)
Alpha Male: [Yudan333]- Darsha
Alpha Female: [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Mianah
CO-Alpha Female: [Yudan333]- Yudan

1.[GlassCasket]- Cliff
3.[Cerulean Sins]- Holtz

Soldier Wolfs:
1.[Itami Cross]- Trowa
2.[Raiyr]- Red
3.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Gar'Mak

1.[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]- Sena
2.[HeAVenShallBuRN] - Metallicus
3.[Yudan333] - Nozomi, Jenet

1.[Yudan333]- Crush
2.[The Bat-Man]- Mangetsu

1.[Yudan333]- Marlean, Jenet, Starbeam
2.[Cerulean Sins]- Blayne

Ok now your asking, 0_0 Wait what about Beta and Omega? Well the thing is this pack works differently. You see the Alpha Male believes that if there is only Alpha and Pack as Ranks then their will be no stragglers in the pack, making a stronger more healthy pack. So now every member of the pack is allowed to be caretakers of the pups! ^^

1. Keep cursing to a minimum, we don't want to hear 'Fuck' ever other sentence...
2. No graphic mating...T_T HERE BUT go to mating den lol or your den!
3. Power-playing to a minimum...(thrusting back and making blood.... T.T no KILLING...)
4. Don't insult...T_T it's rude...if you do you face my Wrath -_-' You don't want to see my wrath!

Rp usual info:
[used to represent g2g or an out of character message]
used for action
"Speaking is normal..."
~what your thinking individually~ or '' instead of ~~


If you really need me contact me here:
or on yahoo messenger

To East Pack >>> Eastern Pack

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2006-11-28 [Yudan333]: ((WOW you people live after all! XD))

2006-11-28 [Sir William]: "alright yudan"

2006-11-28 [~goodbye~]: lol...hey now be nice

2006-11-28 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy looked around."Anyone hungery?"She asked.

2006-11-28 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper sighed, her head resting on the tree trunk, her legs dangling down below her. She could smell the pines and evergreens all around her.

2006-11-28 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy began to dig a whole.

2006-11-28 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper drifted off into a light sleep.

2006-11-29 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy put the squirle in the whole and then started buring it.

2006-11-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena came up behind Frizzy."Hey, you wanna go see the humans?"She asked quietly.

2006-11-29 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy finished."Yeah, lets'She said."Lead the way."

2006-11-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena nodded and bagan to make her way to the last place she had seen humans.

2006-11-29 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy fallowed her."You better hope we don't get cuaght. I'll be dead if I cuase any trouble again. And so will you..."

2006-11-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Yeah, well, I'm sure they won't kill kill us....I hope..."Sena replied.

2006-11-29 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy nodded."I hope so..."

2006-11-29 [Yudan333]: (*hugs the now active members* Thank god!)

2006-11-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: (*Luaghs and hugs back*Yeah) Sena looked around."Now we really have to be careful..."

2006-11-29 [~goodbye~]: (*hugs back*welcome)

2006-11-29 [The Witch's Cat]: "Why?"Frizzy asked."Oh..."She said spotting a couple of the pack members((Glad to make you happy [Yudan333]^^))

2006-11-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena stayed low to the ground, blending in with the underbrush.

2006-11-29 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy fallowed Sena's example.

2006-11-29 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: When they were out of sight sena turned around to face Frizzy."So far so good. Now all we have to do is travle for a day down to a place that I last saw humans."

2006-11-29 [The Witch's Cat]: "Is that where you were when you were gone for a couple days?"Frizzy asked curious.She nodded, "Lets get on with this adventure. We wouldn't want the others to spot us..."

2006-11-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena nodded."I was."

2006-11-30 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy luaghed a bit."I'm surprised they have yet to punish you for leaveing."

2006-11-30 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: They have yet to find me"Sena said grinning

2006-12-01 [The Witch's Cat]: Frzzy luaghed a bit

2006-12-01 [~goodbye~]: firekeeper sighed..."You two should really be quiter..." She smirked as she looked down at them. "They are closer then you think Sena."

2006-12-01 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy looked up."You aren't going to tell Darsha, are you?"

2006-12-01 [~goodbye~]: *her mouth twitches into a small smile*...i am part human what do you think?

2006-12-02 [Yudan333]: A pitch black wolf began to walk through the pack. He was large nearly 4x the normal size of a wolf. He was like the size of a small car! He spproached a large boulder and leaps up on it and curls around and lays down his body making a silent thud, his large paws hanging over the boulder, he yawns baring fangs the size of swords! He truly would be a fearsom enemy. He actually be gan to look among the members and looked to Frizzy and Sena. His deep oceanic blue eyes narrowed and then looked to Firekeeper. He looked around slighlty as though doing a head count then observed the area just as he usualy did.

2006-12-02 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper looked back at him evenly.

2006-12-02 [Yudan333]: Darsha lowered his gaze to Firekeeper once more and nods his head lighlty and spoke suddenly, his voice deep and powerful nearly making the earth tremble in fear, "Nice to see you up and about Firekeeper I hope all is well..." He rose a light brow as though wondering.

2006-12-03 [Sir William]: *blitz curled around yudan looking at eh wolf and he glared at him*

2006-12-03 [Yudan333]: Yudan nips at Blitz ear as though saying to behave and not glare.

2006-12-03 [Sir William]: blitz flicked his ear saying this is strange and I dont like it

2006-12-03 [~goodbye~]: Firekepper smiled a little at him. "All is well, as far as i know, but as for the others you would have to ask them, for as i was sleeping for quite awhile." She yawns and leans her hed back against the tree.

2006-12-03 [Yudan333]: The large black wolf turned and his eyes looked to Blitz and lighlty narrowed then looking aside he saw Yudan. She seemed to have been weak, he could see her loss of energy and knew why. "Had your pups and didn't even tell me... I am rather disapointed."

Yudan lowered her head then looked up to him, "That's not fair Darsha, You were gone I couldn't come find you like I used to when something was wrong."

"That's enough..." He interupted her and looked away, "I understand Yudan... I may come by your den later to see your pups... perhaps..."

2006-12-03 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper jumped down from the tree, and knelt by Yudan. "Would you like some fresh meat?"

2006-12-03 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked to her and shook her head, "I'm a hunter I can get my own mean thank you..." She said it a bit rudely only because she was stubborn like that and often didn't want help from others.

2006-12-04 [Sir William]: blitz felt something and little cobalt crawled out from under his legs and said "daaad im hungry" blitz licked his forehead "ok me and mom will go get something ok" cobalt nodded and looked at them threw his bright blue eyes "okay dad, I love you"

2006-12-04 [Yudan333]: Yudan looked back to Blitz and shook her head, "Why don't you go with Firekeeper then, she seems a bit eager to get some meat."

2006-12-04 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper walked off into the forest alone. "it was only an offer..." she said trailing off.

2006-12-04 [Sir William]: blitz ran off into the woods and laid in wait for a deer

2006-12-22 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy froze in place looking at Darsha.She trembled visibly despite her eforts not to.Frizzy backed up into Sena.She glanced at Firekeeper, wiating for her to tell Darsha where they had been going.

2006-12-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Lets go...."She growled quietly in Frizzys ear watching Firekeeper and Blitz leave.Sena backed up slowly, watching Darsha.She pulled Frizzy's tail as if a game."Come on Friz, I'll race ya."

2006-12-22 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy turned to her and stopped trembleing, seeing that Sena had a plan."Your on."SHe said before boltting off.

2006-12-24 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper walked towards a big lake a few miles away. As she got closer she could her the waterfall, and she felt herself start to relax as she thought of the crisp cool water that wold surround her body soon enough.

2006-12-25 [Yudan333]: Darsha relaxed on the large boulder watching over his pack carefully. He looked around as though trying to sense anything out of the ordinary.

Yudan stayed by Blitz side and was silent she got kinda bored and laid down as though to rest her body.

2006-12-25 [Sir William]: blitz tightemed his muscles when a dear walked into the clearing and he pounced on it and snapped its neck

2006-12-27 [~goodbye~]: Firekeeper slipped out of her clothes and dove off the waterfall, into the lake below.

2007-01-13 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena stopped after a bit.She lay down, panting."Maybe we shouldn't go yet. We should rest now, and wait ntil later...."

2007-01-13 [~goodbye~]: Firekkeper swam around, the water caressing her body.

2007-01-13 [The Witch's Cat]: Frizzy lay down next to her and noded

2007-01-30 [kagome-180]: Sora layed in some tall grass hidden from the rest of the world for the moment((also I don't have any idea whats going on >>))

2007-03-25 [eyes of frost]: You changed your name?

2007-03-25 [Sir William]: blitz brought the deer back along with a sleeping yudan on his back "cobalt im back", cobalt popped out of nowhere and licked blitzs nose "YAY" cobalt grinned wolfishly.

2007-03-26 [Yudan333]: Yudan still was passed out over Blitz from lack of sleep. She was out and it seemed impossible to wake her. Her other two pups Hikari and Kuragari were at Blitz side.

2007-03-26 [Sir William]: blitz layed the deer down and licked hikaris muzzle and then pushed hikari and kuragari to the deer cobalt was nibbling at, blitz took yudan and layed her under a tree and licked her muzzle "man shes a tired pup"

2008-02-10 [Yudan333]: TOO ALL MEMBERS WHO CARE! Im leaving elfpack so i made most pages freely editable so whoever wants it go ahead and help yourself....

2008-02-11 [Sir William]: by by yudan

2010-12-14 [wolf of lust]: ..mew?

2011-04-18 [Yudan333]: WOW it has been forever since i was on here. If you still watch this page say HERE I will check everyday from hence forth. I may bring this RP of wolves back to life. So lets see whos still present before i change anything.

2011-04-18 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Here ^_^

2011-04-19 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Ah, sad... I just realised that everyone on here either hasn't been on for 100+ das, or when they do get on, they don't stay very long..

2011-04-19 [Yudan333]: hmm... well we will see. ill give it a week or two before i change things up. if not we can make this our rp turf lol

2011-04-19 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Woo!

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [A WOLF RP!]

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Should I join Hannah?]

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: Please dooo!!!

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: lol apparently u like fire XDDD Zin

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: pshaw!

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I wanna rp, person dude thingy you there?

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: OK as leader guess i can get this thing going

Yudan howled calling all the members to the open field near the dens and in the cover of trees. She shook her white fur as the gothic cross on her shoulder showed darkly. Her wings lowered which were raven black. She yawned as if bored but shook it off with a growl in wait. She saw a wolf approach. The Loyal Crush. He bowed to her and sat down some 5ft from her and waited. Yudan was surprised even the Alpha was late. She grumbled "Stupid brother."
"I heard that." The large black male stood by her pawing over her head. She rubs her head sticking her tongue out.
"Did you call the meeting."
"YES! Im waiting. You told me patience... brother.." She grumbled.

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah came quietly to her spot with a bow of her head to the Alpha and Yudan. SHe shook out her fur after this, then sat.

Sena came bounding to the meeting area, but unfortunately she was distracted by a bird she'd scared and forgot to stop, running head on into Mianah with a loud 'oof'

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak grumbled and mummbled feeling...the spot next to him, quite cold. So he rose up and looked around, hearing the howl of the Yudan calling the other members, so he bounded forward heading toward the meeting place and taking his seat, yipping at his little sister.

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Oi! REad the passage above silly Jimmy]

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Yes, you ran into her! so gimmie a sec >>]

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: [Note lets take turns. Me Sena then Gar. And then the other peeps]
Yudan looked to the pup and smiled walking over and nuzzled Sena pushing her over and nipping playfully at her belly. Yudan had a soft spot for pups. She always wanted her own someday especially if she would soon become Alpha female when Darsha steeped down.
Darsha took a deep breath and his blue eyes looked to the short staff. "As you know our pack is dwindled. Humans are becoming much harder to avoid and food is scarce. Anyone have any idea as to how survive."
Yudan looked up "We always do by sticking together."
"Sometimes it's not enough. Mianah? Gar'Mak?"

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I like that idea]

2011-04-22 [Itami Cross]: Trowa slowly walked into the meeting as he moved a few feet from the pack and lowered down as he faced away the only sign of him listening being the twitch of his ear.

[im here]

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: [OK so it's me, Sena, Gar then Phantom. If one of us is inactive we can post elsewhere. My den is always open] Yudan's Den

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [She's inactive atm!]

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: [I see that. come to my den XD at least Ill be there ill be making a den for you and Trowa as well. go to the dens] Dens@Wolfs United

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Sorry everyone...All the animals-two dogs and a cat who thinks he's a dog- went nuts at the same damn time... >.< Frecking]

Mianah sighd a little, thinking. Her ears suddenly turned down and she shook her head. It wasn't that she didn't have an idea, she just didn't like what first came to mind. Her pack, before she'd come to this area, had been killed by humans... She felt it was only fair to kill them in return.

Sena giggled a little and licked Yudan's muzzle,"We could move up further, were theres always snow." She smiled a little.

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar'Mak pushed up upon all fours and paced back and forth. "No, it's not always good enough, humans hunt us down, skin us, run tests on us. They wish to see what makes us tick." he'd say looking to his little sister. "They wish to imprision us, take us from our homes, our pups, this...we cannot let happen for sure. But we need more...sometimes we are just not enough to protect everyeone."

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: Yudan smiled as the pup spoke then looked to Mianah. She could nearly see on her maw her thoughts. "No Mianah. Not all humans are bad. Gar You should know as well. Some of them arn't all bad. I know it."
"Yudan you cannot protect the race that aims to kill us."
"So! Wolves try to kill us too!"
"NO! You know im right! You have seen it. Humans helping animals and beasts like us. We are hunted yes but not by all man."
Darsha glared to Yudan as if to lash at her for disobeying him. He approached her.
Yudan pushed Sena behind her and stood up facing her brother strongly.
He glared into her eyes and Yudan winced as she fell to her paws and whimpered as she was being held down by a dark force.
"Yudan.. you are young yet. ignorant. If we don't kill them they can kill us. I will not have our pack moving.." He released her and paced back sitting, "Mianah... how scarce is food... And Gar'Mak. How far is the nearest pack surely closer than not long ago..."

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah snapped out of her thoughts when Yudan spoke,"She is right Darsh, not all of them are bad... Unfortunately, where we are now... They are." She looked up to him now, not even half his size,"Food is scarce, but not as scarce as it once was. I left last night, I felt a change on the wind. If humans are good for anything, it's scaring up food. A small herd of deer is not far now, I think they may be poorly hunting it...So we should act soon." She sighed a little, looked at Sena,"I believe the humans are still in their pup stages... They have not yet grown... And we're suffering for it." She looked back to Darsha.
Sena frownd a little, not understanding all this talk of killing the humans."Why can't we tell them to leave us be... Wont that work?"

2011-04-22 [Itami Cross]: [go ahed Trowa will remain the way he is unless he is approached]

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [murrr fine]

Gar Grumbled and looked up t oward Darsha, he really...wanted to go up and stop him from harming Yudan....but he couldn't he was the alpha, she was...just the Alpha's sister. "I was really hoping you'd forgotten about that Darsha...their scent has died down, either they moved onto a different path, or met an untimely end to humans." he'd remark with a low growl at the end, expecting to be struck by him. But when he saw him release Yudan, he padded up to see if she was okay.

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Well then next time...I'll sit on his head]

2011-04-22 [Itami Cross]: [okay ill post, calm down]

Trowa slowly opened hsi eyes from his nap as he heard Darsha's and Gar's words, "Darsha...thats enough...its a alpha's job to help not threaten." he slowly got up as he looked at darsha then walked toward him his blue eyes glareing at him. this wolf had no fear of Darsha or any other wolf and hurting Yudan was something he would not allow.

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [He's just being a jerk, don't worry about it >.< *flicks Jimmy's ear*]

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: Darsha completely ignored Trowa having no respect for him. Darsha nods and thought to himself and sighed, "Very well. I have orders.." He turned and faced his pack, "Mianah you will go with Yudan to the village. You will both report back by next moonlight or im coming and killing them all. You will be looking to see if the hold much hunting items. Maybe the hunters are in the mountains and not the village.

"Boys." He looked to Gar'Mak and then to Trowa, "You will go to the Winter Grounds Search High and low and try to find any signs of hunters as well as the other pack. I want to know why they left and if it was by force.

Yudan looked to Gar and nods her face shaken and pain in her eyes. She looked to her brother, "What of Sena.. you babysitting."

Darsha smirks looking to Yudan, "You've forgotten your pack members." He nods to Crush.
Crush blinked in surprise, He was a warrior and fighter not a child sitter. He gulped seeing Darsha's narrowed eyes, "Yes sir!" He said proudly and looked to Sena as if he were going to be eaten.
Yudan sighed a bit and looked to Mianah and nods to her then back to Darsha, "So we return tomorrow same time."
Darsha narrowed his eyes, "Open your ears. or the humans will surely get you."

[Haha! Mission!]

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Oh, I'm calm boyyo ^^ HEY!]

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: [Hey Gar'Mak made your den here go edit it and make sure its under your name so only u can edit it.] Gar'Mak's Den

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena looked at Crush and litterally started to luagh a little. She knew he wasn't sure about pups...

Mianah nodded a little and stood, licking Sena's head,"Be good little one." She could see the mischief in Sena's eyes, and didn't want Crush to be overwhelmed. SHe looked at Yudan."Ready when you are."

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Oh, Mianah's den is ready too]

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He murred in almost refusal but submitted....he really didn't like some other male watching over his baby sister, since he was deathly protective of her. So he requested a moment or two with his sister, rather he was given it or not...he walked up to his sister and placed his nose against hers. "You be a good girl for your big brother." he'd smile, licking some dust off her maw and fixing the hair on her head with a smile before nuzzling her side. "Gar loves you, sis. Try to stay out of trouble?"

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: Yudan barked at Mianah and then rushed off towards the villages. Her wings tucked down. She had a great plan to sneak in. And Yudan was skilled at stealth.

Crush looked nervously to Sena and sighed. He looked to Gar'Mak and bows his head to him and to Mianah as she began to leave, "I'll do my best to protect her I swear my life to it." Crush was good at one thing; okay two: Fighting, and protecting. Being a wolf of steal and metal he could do much. His weakness would be Gar. The heat. So he would respect him for that.

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah fallowed Yudan, staying close to the other female,"Are you hurt?" She asked while they still had time to make som noise.

Sena nodded to her brother, tugging his ear lightly,"Go before the big one gets grumpy." She was talking about Darsha... But being a pup, she could very well be talking about anyone in the pack.

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He smiled and gave her one final lick, nodding toward Crush, and blazing off, not literally fire blazig...but he was quite fast.

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: [Of to bed! I will reply tomorrow sleep well! ^_^]

2011-04-22 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [I'll not be back for a bit ;/]

2011-04-22 [Itami Cross]: Trowa heard Darsha as his ears twitched slightly and he saw the look on Gar's face knowing he was not liking this plan at all. he slowly turned seeing Sena as he heard Gar blaze off and Trowa approached Sena before lowering a pendant around her neck, "This pendant will allow you to see Gar as much as you like while hes gone.....i know you will worry but dont worry, i wont let anything happen to him." with that said his body sank down into the earth and vanished completely before he shot out beside Gar and bolted beside him, "Gar,lets split up once we reach the winter grounds....i got a bad feeling.." with this said Trowa began to melt into the earth as he ran before only his head ramined looking like it was connected to the ground before it lowered vanishing below the Earth as he moved quickly knowing it would get him their quicker.

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: Darsha stood and looked to Crush and Sena and nods, "I'll watch the pup. Go to the main den and grab a bite for this youngster.
"Yes, sir." Crush's grey and black fur swished in the wind as he went to the den.
Darsha smiled to the young Sena and gently pushed her over. Darsha was a mean wolf but for children he was soft as well. He was so hard on Yudan as a pup and regretted it. So he is now kinder to any pup he comes across. He grins, "Well what will you do now young Sena.." He bared his fangs. He hoped she'd attack him for fun.

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: [HEY just made mating dens for you graphic deviants lol and make your own den. Anyone may use the pics i used ^__^ or find your own. have fun you perverts! *knows im probably a big one out there* Oh hey... Mainah.. *wink* come to me sexy den XD rofl] Mating@wolfs United

[also i am adding some characters so check them out @ ]Character Info@wolfs United

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena yelped a little in suprise, then her tail started to wag and she luched up and latched onto his ear carefully with playful growls.

[lol, that would be me now >.< I remember, when I first joined this I chose a pup cause I was nervous to do anything graphic.... that's not so much the case anymore >.< lol]

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: [XD lol well now u can if you want and it don't have to be too graphic lol]

Darsha laughed deeply and lowered to his side, "Ah the mighty Sena has got me! I don't know how i will ever win!" He tried to paw her but gave her time to move. he stretched his body, "Oh things are getting dark! Have Mercy Miss Sena." He smiled

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [lol, Woot]

Sena moved, getting up on his neck and side, letting go of his ear and grabbing his neck instead, growling a little more.

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: He smiled and winced, "Please Princess Sena.. i will do anything for you. Name it and it shall be done." He called out as a last resort wondering what the little miss would want.

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena stopped and let go of him,"Anything..?" She asked after a moment.

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: He rolled to his stomach and laid before her and nods, "Within reason i hope but Yes. What would you wish of Princess Sena?" He looked at her with dark ocean eyes and his black fur darker than night blew in a soft wind of afternoon.

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena got up and walked closer, nuzzling into his chest and neck,"No being mad all the time, find someone who helps you be happy sometimes."

2011-04-22 [Yudan333]: He blinked at the request and went to speak but he sighed and smiled licking her head, "Alright. just for you then okay. But it will be our little secret." He nudged her.
[brb lunch and getting mail then dishes so gimme 30?]

2011-04-22 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena smiled a little and licked his maw,"I'll keep it as a secret, I promise."

2011-04-23 [Yudan333]: He smiled and kissed her head as Crush came back with a hefty piece of meat. He set it down by them. Darsha nods, "Enjoy your meal little Sena. Crush you are to eat as well. I have a special mission for you later.."
Crush nods and picked the meat and gave a smaller chunk to Sena to chew on.

2011-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena pounced on the meat like it was prey, butt in the air with tail wagging. She nawed on it, her bottom slowly lowering to the ground.

2011-04-23 [Yudan333]: Darsha watched the pup feed and sighed softly. He gazed up to the sky as it began to grow darker. Her wondered how his pack was fairing.
Crush saw the look on his alpha and spoke, "I am sure they are all fine. They all had a partner. we are stronger in groups."

2011-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena looked between them and her ears went back a little,"They're coming back right?"

Mianah looked around at the town, just below her and Yudan. She put her ears back a little, sniffing the air for a moment.

2011-04-23 [Yudan333]: [Mianah meet me at the village ya nut!] Village@Wolfs United

Darsha nods, "Sometime yes though not anytime soon. It may take them more than a few days to get information. But do not worry i know they will be back. In the mean time how would you like my to call my younger brother our. He's about your age Sena.. and quite cute." He smirked.

2011-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Oh, duh, sorry >.<]

Sena frowned, but her ears perked at the news of another pup to play with."Has he been hiding all this time?" Her ears lay back a little,"What does it matter if he's cute?My brother always says that one day I'll grow out of being cute, and then I wont be able to get what I want...I'll have to fight for it."

2011-04-23 [Yudan333]: Darsha barked as it echoed through then den. The ball of fur raised his young head. He flicked his ears and yawns then got up shaking off and stretched as his tail flicked behind him. He slowly walked out the den and being tired tripped over a twig and stumbled and looked up seing Sena. He looked up to her and smiled wagging his tail, "Gawsh your pretty."
Darsha smiled, "Sena this is Nozomi."

2011-04-23 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena's ears went back and she looked down a little shyly.It lasted only a moment before she stood and looked at him,"Hi." Her tail had started to wag.She tilted her head to the side a little,"You are very cute..."

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: He smiled and tackled her gnawing her ear playfully before pawing at her chest trying to play. He growled softly and tugged her, "What power do you have Sena?"

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena yipped, grabbing a hold of his ear and tugged gently."This.." And with no clouds, snow began to fall around them. She smiled a little before tackling him in return,"ANd what can you do?"

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: He smiled and fell back as she tackled him. "Well I could do.. this!" He shaped shifted into a fox and licks her face and chuckled "I can turn into any animal i want and any age. So I could go hunting if i aged but then i still have to learn how."

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: [Bwah? O.o]

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: [you know you could join if you'd like?]

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena giggled softly and shook her head a little before tugging his ear again."That's cool...Just don't turn into a deer..."SHe said with a giggle...Ok, a little morbid, but still it was a good warning.

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: [It's on!]

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: He laughs and nuzzled her nipping her cheek and maw, "Well no dugh im not stupid!" He laughed. He looked to his brother Darsha then Crush and blushed "Um... why are you both so vigilant?"
Crush shook his head. Darsha only smiled, "Im glad you're having fun."

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena looked over, blushing a little and she moved away from Nozomi. "I'll race ya to the pup den." She said, realising that atleast there they could play without the awkwardness of the adults watching their every move.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: He barks, "YOUR ON!" He turned to run smacking into a tree which gave her a lead. Darsha laughed heavily and Crush went to follow. Darsha stops him, "Let them be. we have other things to do."

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff was sniffing out a trail nearby. He had been following it for a while but was unsure about what exactly he was following.

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [gotta go, be back soon promise, don't leave]

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Crush stood on edge and barks "WHOS THERE!" He glared at the male with odd colors.
Darsha shook his head, "Cliff come hither. I have a job for you."

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff trotted over to Darsha panting slightly and leaned down in respect once he had reached him, "Yes Darsha?" He asked happily. He wasn't usually used within the pack because of his odd nature.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked to Cliff curiously he was a decent sized wolf with the blue and black fur. "Tell me what abilities do you have and obtain."
Crush sat loyalty by his alpha's side and looked to Cliff also with an oddness.

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff's teeth showed slightly in happiness, "I would ask that you stay a small ways away, no wait i shall just back up." He said talking curiously fast as he backed away, "Watch your eyes." He said. His body shook slightly and a white hot bolt of lightning struck down upon him. His previously black and blue fur was instantly flashed to a bright blue and his form changed so that his rear legs were turned from physical to light. His body connected near the middle like a melting of physical fur and skin with lightning itself. In a flash of seconds he moved from the spot he was in and zig-zagged through the woods leaving a trail of light behind him before converting back to his original form directly behind Darsha, "That is one of my two powers." He said panting slightly from the intense energy that was just poured from his body.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Darsha watched and saw him change into half bolt half wolf. "Lightning... or electric." He wondered what good this power could do for the pack. Then he grins and saw him return sitting before him again, "Tell me of your second. You do not have to actually show me. Catch your breath. Surely you heat up quite quickly. I am glad it's not summer you may have imploded."
Crush had never seen such amazing lightning skills before. Looking to Darsha he saw the smirk and looked back to Cliff wondering what else he could do besides lightning speeds. Could he harness lightning.

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff nodded panting lightly, "My form is like a living conduit for lightning. I can not only move like it...but i can control and manipulate it." He smiled again a small crack in his right K-9 showed but he quickly hid it by feigning to pant, "I can fire, re-direct and maintain lightning."

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Sena giggled madly and darted to the pup den.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Darsha nods lightly and looked to Crush with a smirk, "Well seems i have a decent partnership here. Cliff this is Crush He is a soldier. He's been alive many a moon. I'd like you to join the Soldiers. We could use a good fighter like you with Crush her. Crush is a Metal and Titanium wolf. You would be able to fire your electric on him and harness it into a larger magnitude. Cliff Tell me. Are you interested in a mate." He smirked

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff turned his head slightly confused, "I have always been a hunter...and a mate?" His head was spinning so he took a moment to gather himself, "I would, of course, be honored to be a soldier however i am unsure of how much use i will truly be, i have not had many fights with opponents who attack back." He then considered the other suggestion, "I am unsure...I have never had time to even consider a mate as i am almost always hunting and...researching..." He said finishing.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Darsha nods lightly, "I see.. Well Perhaps you shall stay a hunter but if called upon the battle front you shall answer and you will fight. You won't be alone. Crush here is a great instructor on war."
Crush nods his head to Cliff, "If you desire instruction I will do my best to provide you with a steady paw." He bowed his head.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: [hey cliff heres your den feel free to decorate it!] Cliff's Den [check out other dens and see how they look by going to] Dens@Wolfs United

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff bowed his head as well, "I have heard of your battles Crush and i would be honored to learn from you." He said then looked to Darsha, "I have something to ask of you if you would permit it."

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: [Shweet Danke!]

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Darsha raised a brow and stared at the hunter, "Well I suppose but do tell me what it is you wish?" His dark ocean blue eyes gazed down at Cliff from a much higher distance. Darsha was ancient and not only was he old and still strong and wise but his size measured up to that of a Small horse.

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff spoke softly but drove the question out of his mind through force of will, "I have been following a strange scent for nearly 4 days now and it seems the closer i think i am getting the further away the scent goes..." He stopped for a moment, "Would you know what scent this is? Or what causes it? Or maybe even how i might find it?" He finished.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: He raised a brow, "Hmm a stranger... Well we do have wanderers in the area. In fact a young female just joined our pack and she has the stench of the south all over her. Her name is Marlean. However you may be catching wind of another wolf or is it even a wolf you smell?" He stared at Cliff wondering why he was chasing a scent.

Crush saw the slight agitation in Darsha's eyes "Allow me to inquire with Cliff Darsha. Please retire to your den unless you feel it is important."

Darsha shook his head, "No.. Not quite. I shall retire and eat. You two should perhaps hunt. Get that silly scent off your mind." He turned walking to his spot atop the main den and laid down.

Crush sighed heavily, "What are you getting at? A scent that moves? It's call a stranger or wander-er. It would be worse if it were a bear."

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff looked a bit confused, "I have smelled wanderers and wolves and bears. I have been a hunter all of my life but never have i caught a scent this...ominous..." He looked around, "It may sound odd but each scent i have ever caught had a feeling about it...But this has nothing. I sense no fear, no anticipation from it...Just...a smell..." He realized he was talking too much of it and cut himself off finishing by saying, "Perhaps i should continue the search on my own. I have fulfilled more than my hunting quota for today, you need not follow unless you wish." quietly attempting to sniff out the strange scent he had caught before encountering Crush and Darsha.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Crush watched Cliff thinking he was mad. If it was strange one shouldn't be following it. It could be danger. Crush lowered and sat on his haunches in confusion. What did he mean a smell. It could be a wolf a hunter a bear. But none of those were good things to come across. Worry got to him. He wouldn't leave his pack member to go on his own. He sighed and slowly followed him and gazed around, "What do you think it is.Just a smell. You know legend has it a musk cinnamon scent wanders. People say its a female dragon in heat. But dragons don't exist.. do they?" Crush had never been like this before. Curious. He always followed orders never asking questions.

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah slowed as she and Yudan approached near the dens and into their meeting area. She sighed a little tiredly and then sniffed the air, catching Daesha's scent she headed towards him. The image of the wolves made her feel sick and she wasn't sure she could tell him.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Yudan strode up to the den seeing Darsha laying up top. She looked back Seeing Mianah coming, "Where's Trowa and Gar'Mak. And Who was crush with?"
Darsha looked down from the large rock, "Their still in the winter grounds. They are fine im sure. Now as for Crush he's with another hunter. His name is ohh what was it.. Cliff. The lightning wolf. So what news of the village."
Yudan lowered her head not sure how to put the news. "Wolfs were killed. Hung skinned and gutted."
Darsha bared his fangs in anger and stood growling.

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff continued until he caught the scent again, "People say a lot of things..." He smiled, "I have a bad habit of not trusting people on their word." He caught the scent again and turned towards it, "Are you sure you want to follow?" He asked, "People say that strange things should not be discovered...but i rather believe that they should. For who knows if the strange thing could help or hinder? It could be amazing and wonderful or it could be terrible. Either way i must know for if it is would be worth the risk to me."

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah shuddered at the image in her head and she ducked away, thinking she might get sick. She dry heaved because of her empty stomach. When she was done she lay down were she was, her stomach muscels sore from the action.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Crush nodded "I am willing to follow you Cliff to the edge of our land but after that I suggest we come home and not venture in others territories.

Yudan sighed and looked to Mianah and she nuzzled her and licked her cheek affectionately trying to comfort her.
Darsha swore under his breath, "Damned humans.. If we kill just the ones hunting us more come fore revenge.."
"Then why not make a pack with this village."
"Yudan your nonsence is making me sick! Human and wolf allies! can you hear yourself!" He saw the sadness in her face. "Yudan. I know-"
"No Darsha.. You Don't know a damned thing.." She said coldly and kissed her sister and ran out the den.
Darsha now sighed heavily knowing he was the bad guy even in his own pack. But it wasn't safe. He just wanted them all safe. He thought of Sena's words 'That makes you happy'
"You okay Minah." He called her shorter name hoping she wouldn't mind.

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah watched them, then nodded a little,"I will live Darsha." She smiled ever so slightly and stood. "It was a horrible sight...They decided to hunt us soon after we found the place...I think they suspected something was odd about us..." She frowned a little,"Darsha, I know our safety is important to you...But this is a cycle that cannot continue, it will lead to our end."

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff nodded, "Agreed." He sniffed it out and pointed to the direction, "I will start slow." He said then dashed off nearly as fast as a normal wolf at full speed. It's over here...It's just up ahead...I can smell it...right in front of me... He thought to himself. His face crunched in determination. He had been at this for days and he couldn't let those days be wasted. He had to know what that smell was...or wasn't.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Crush stared at the male as he followed the odd wolf and looked around as he narrowed his eyes and began to run just as he did. He smirks and went ahead of him, "Let's hurry up then!" Crush wasn't a metal wolf for nothing he was like a bullet when he changed his fur and skin and would be much more aerodynamic.

Darsha looked to her and sighed heavily nodding, "Yes I understand. I am trying to prevent that but Humans cannot be reasoned with." He slid down and walked to her looking down, "Man is ignorant. as you have said they have yet to grow up." He sighed softly, "You know what I would give for my pack? A new life. I would gladly tear that whole village down and have my life taken to know you will all finally be free of one problem.."

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah smiled a little and put her head down, so they were eye level. "Darsha, if you gave your life for such a thing then we would be plagued with a new sort of trouble."

2011-04-24 [GlassCasket]: Cliff smirked, "Very well then..." He said enjoying the competition. His paws were like a blur as they slowly converted from physical to light and he sped up to chase the scent further in. He passed by Crush and continued about twenty yards in front of him then came to a dead stop and got into a low fighting position facing away from Crush. Out of what appeared to be nothing came from under Cliff and launched him into the sky. Then far to the right of the area he and Crush were running in. He flew in the direction of the known dangerous part of the woods and with him flew the strange scent he had been following.

2011-04-24 [Yudan333]: Darsha shook his head and looked to her with dull eyes, "Minah Yudan can be Alpha. And with her Gar'Mak her mate. They would be great leaders. MY time is nearing..." He said this as if it was a secret? Darsha was dying?

Crush lead following but he looked back only to feel him surge forth. He would increase speeds but he didn't want to take down the trees. He slowed when he saw Cliff crouching then out of nowhere flew into the sky. Crush went to give chase and saw Cliff "Did you see it?"

2011-04-24 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah frowned a little, "Indeed they would be, but it wasn't the lack of an alpha I was speeking of...I was speeking about a problem of a broken heart...Of broken hearts I should say.."She said after a moment, then frowned deeper."And what do you mean your time is near?You have life in you yet.."

2011-04-25 [GlassCasket]: Cliff stood shakily. A bright shine was about his coat, abnormally bright, "It was...astounding..." He said quietly standing completely still considering what had just happened, "It was like the ancient magic itself touched me..." He shook his head, "We should get back to Darsha and tell him what happened..." He said slowly starting to trot with a slight limp.

2011-04-25 [Yudan333]: Darsha looked to her and shook his head, "No... i don't I may look it but it's catching up fast. I'm over my years limit. It is hard for me to even summon strength to fight so if i do battle. I cannot guarantee my safe return.

Crush narrowed his eyes and growled stepping before him, "FOR WHAT? To waste his time with a story of you being throwing into the air and coming back down! I can do that on my own! You have proven nothing. and didn't see anything either did you. Maybe you just are delusional..." Crush said almost angrily.

2011-04-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah frowned a little and walked away,"Well...You certainly wont like this, but perhaps then you shouldn't fight anymore..."she said quietly.

2011-04-25 [GlassCasket]: Cliff glared at Crush, "I may not be an experienced warrior but i will not permit even those within my pack to insult my work." Lightning flashed through his eyes and his glare disappeared, "I will not say that again. From now on my work shall be my own." He said finishing his statement. His Body morphed almost entirely into lightning and he flashed to his den to contemplate the day. [gtg ttyl :D]

2011-04-25 [Yudan333]: Crush growled seeing him go and huffed, "It's stupid. Child's tale. Grow up. The only magic that's out there is wolves. And if it's an enemy you will be in for it." He looked around and slowly moved back in the direction of his pack. He say Yudan storm pass and he stared back wondering what was wrong. When he returned he saw Mianah and bows his head, "Miss Mianah.. What did I miss?"

2011-04-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah smiled a little,"Hello Crush.."She looked down,"There wer wolves that were hunted and skinned..." She lsighed a little,"Yudan and Darsha had a disagreement again..." mianah looked back to where she had left Darsha,"I'm going to go rest now..."She said quietly

2011-04-25 [Yudan333]: "Ahh yes very well Mis Mianah. Please do get some well deserved rest" He bowed his head in respect for the young fae. He looked around unsure what to do with himself. He sat on his haunches and waited.

2011-04-25 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah smiled a little then she went to her den, laying just outside of it.

2011-04-25 [Yudan333]: [Getting off for a bit]

Darsha sighed heavily looking out the main den to the sitting Crush. He looked so lonely. Poor wolf lost his first mate to another wolf and then she died. It's a shame how the past treated each wolf. The one with a decent life now are the pups.

2011-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah sighed a little, pacing back and forth as she couldn't rest. ~What does he mean his end is near?~

2011-04-26 [Yudan333]: Darsha sighed heavily slowly got down from the large rock of the main den and slowly made his way to his own Den. He was feeling rather tired and the darkness of his cave would allow him to feel better.

Crush watched his Alpha leave and realized he was alone. He sighed softly and pawed the ground.

2011-04-26 [Yudan333]: [TO all members of Wolfs United I proudly Present our enemy Pack] Eastern Pack [We need your dark side wolf. They are the enemy of all packs! Think evil! and sign up! First come first Serve!]

2011-04-26 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah sighed and plopped down again, but was soon sitting up again, looking to the sky. She sighed again and looked around, deciding it would be best to see if she couldn't find some smaller deer, one she could handle on her own...They needed food..

2011-04-26 [GlassCasket]: Cliff had just come from his den and began sniffing out the trail of a larger buck, "There..." He said looking off into a thicket of brush about two hundred yards away. He scratched his paws off of the ground a couple times to gain traction then launched himself quickly through the forest. The head of a large buck rose from the bush just as Cliff's teeth embedded themselves in it's throat. Cliff ripped the beast's throat from it and cast it to the ground before emitting a howl of victory. It was a very large catch and he was going to need help dragging it back so he let out a second howl in order to signal any wolves nearby unoccupied to meet him there.

2011-04-26 [Sinful Valentine666]: Chimera slowly walks to where she can smell more wolves but is nervous at first and the brand that the humans gave her is still hurting

2011-04-26 [Yudan333]: Crush the silver wolf gazed up from his thoughts and looked in the direction of a fae. He also heard Cliff's dark but ignored it. He approached the female and saw her dark fur and his ears perked, "Who are you." His fur on end. She was new a stranger.

2011-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Cliff sighed, "Alright then i'll carry it myself..." He said and grabbed one of the strong horns of the buck between his teeth. He started to drag the buck towards the den where, hopefully the majority of the wolves would be gathered. He stopped about three fourths of the way there and laid down on his belly panting, "Heavier...than i thought..." He said his tongue flopping out.

2011-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah herd the second howl and her ears perked..She faintly recognised the howl, so she approached it cuatiously, having to backtrack and fallow the blood trail. "Cliff.." She said, she'd only met the wolf once, before he'd been introduced to the pack and so she walked to him,"I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, I hardly recognised your howl."

2011-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Cliff stood and nodded his head slightly, "It's fine." He said smiling a little. His right canine shown again with the crack running down the middle. He quickly hid it again, "Would you mind lending a little help?" He asked nodding his head to the massive buck laying next to him.

2011-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah smiled a little, "I'll help as best as I can.." She nodded.

2011-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Cliff smiled, "Thanks just try to pull one of the back legs. It should relieve enough strain for me to be able to get it there." He said then gripped the massive horn again and began dragging it.

2011-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah got a good grip and began pulling with him... It she lost her grip she would go tumbling back, that was just how far back she was leaning

2011-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Cliff pulled the beast back to the den with Mianah's help. Once they reached the den he let go of his end and the head hit the ground dropping all of the weight he had to the ground. He cleaned the blood off of his teeth and scratched his paws on the ground to get the blood off of them as well.

2011-04-27 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Mianah dropped the leg she'd had and panted a little, then looked around."Thanks for the kill, you beat me to it. I'd been trying to figure out what I could drag back on my own when I herd you... Now excuse me." She tore off a large chunk and dragged it off to Darsha's den... He had some splainin to do...

2011-04-27 [GlassCasket]: Cliff nodded, "Anytime..." He said sighing slightly. He thought of a few things then sat back on his haunches and let out another howl to let the rest of the pack know that there was food. Cliff then trotted away from the kill without eating anything. He was headed for the training grounds. The smell of blood was thick.

2011-04-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Shall we move here, Phantom?]

2011-04-28 [Itami Cross]: [yeah]

2011-04-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Gar`Mak, head in maw, strolled into the main pack grounds, his eyes shifting left to right as he was...a tad on edge, after what just happened, who wouldn't be? Though...he couldn't shake this feeling that....this wasn't the last he'd seen of the other pack...

2011-04-28 [Yudan333]: Darsha padded up and stopped sitting down, "Report. You two are late.." He gave a staggered cough before gazing at Gar and then to Trowa. He wondered what they had found and what had happened.

2011-04-28 [Itami Cross]: Slowly Trowa walked beside Hat then moved closer as he nudged him then whispered, "try to relax, we don't want to worry the pack tell after we see Darsha."

2011-04-28 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: He nodded and looked to Darsha. "Sorry for being late, Darsha...we had....Trowa had a bit of trouble with another Soldier, and side tracked by...snow, I know it sounds weird...but it baffles me, first time I've seen it."

2011-04-28 [Itami Cross]: Trowa calmly looked at Gar then spoke, " like to speak to Darsha alone for a moment please...ill get you after word."

2011-04-28 [Yudan333]: Darsha nods and gazed to Trowa expecting him to explain the details, "What wolf soldier.." He narrowed his eyes needing to know if their border was being breached.

2011-04-28 [Itami Cross]: [ill wait for gar]

2011-04-28 [Yudan333]: [he already posted ur go!]

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